
Map-N-Tour is Preferred Partner of Community Venture Network (CVN)

Map-N-Tour is pleased to be working with Community Venture Network to provide enhanced marketing opportunities for rural communities.  Two of our clients are already members of this valuable organization. Justin Ericksen does a tremendous job of bringing businesses and economic development professionals together at the CVN conferences which are extremely organized and beneficial to all attendees.

Professionally managed by Essex Capital, LLC, the Community Venture Network (CVN) was formed for rural communities and expanding companies in 1991 in an effort to bring high growth businesses together with economic development professionals seeking to attract business expansions and relocations to their community.

Emerging growth businesses find that the reduced operating costs, lower labor rates, attractive financial incentives and unified community support provide the maximum opportunities for successful business growth.  Too often, however, the community and the business never find each other.

Thus CVN was formed to assist communities in identifying these potential prospects.  CVN conducts active outreach programs to identify these emerging businesses and educate them on the benefits of seeking “out state” locations.  We have a significant referral network and also conduct our own outreach, targeting companies in manufacturing, distribution, technology, medical and alternative energy industries.

Three times per year, we present 8 of these companies to our Network of communities and program partners.  As a private program, we are membership-based and limited to working with 30 development groups.  Programs are hosted in Minneapolis with ND, SD, MN, IA, WI and NE communities formally represented; other states can be brought into the fold when appropriate.

Each presenter works with our staff to craft a presentation and community expansion opportunity that will be presented in a summary document for each attendee as well as a 25 minute presentation. 

If you are a rural community looking for a champion in your corner for business attraction or other economic development needs, contact CVN now.